What we do

Strategic Plan 2017-2020


Vision 2020 Australia is focused on engaging our members, the Australian Government and other relevant stakeholders in developing effective policy solutions. Vision 2020 Australia members have the knowledge and expertise to identify the crucial issues that need to be addressed for improved eye health outcomes. We have the strength of a united voice. 

We engage with members to exchange views, share information, collaborate and develop policy positions, strategies and submissions to improve eye health and vision care for all Australians, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and across the region.

Vision 2020 Australia has identified the following four foundations of our approach which, together, are critical to achieving successful outcomes:


  • Influencing policy change on behalf of the eye health and vision care sector, presenting a united voice to the Australian Government and other policy makers to improve eye health and vision care outcomes.


  • Facilitating access to the latest information and research to build awareness of eye health and vision care among the Australian Government, policy makers, the community and other relevant stakeholders.


  • Partnering with members and developing relationships with other relevant stakeholders to identify and successfully achieve eye health and vision care priorities.


  • Building a strong evidence base is critical to identify service delivery gaps, support effective policy development and strengthen the sustainability of the eye health and vision care sector.

Strategic Goals

To achieve our vision, Vision 2020 Australia will work in partnership with members, the Australian Government and other relevant stakeholders. We will work towards the following strategic goals, raising awareness of eye health and vision care and developing sector representative policy positions supported by innovative and collaborative policy approaches, focused on disadvantaged and vulnerable populations, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

Goal 1.

Represent the eye health and vision care sector with a united voice by facilitating member engagement and collaboration.

Key objectives:
  • Facilitate engagement with members and other relevant stakeholders to utilise expertise and knowledge in the development of Vision 2020 Australia’s positions on prevention and early intervention, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s eye health, independence and participation, and global advocacy in eye health
  • Initiate member consultations and senior-level briefings to inform sector leaders and government representatives

  • Advocate for the Australian Government to continue regional leadership in meeting obligations under the World Health Organization’s Universal Access to Eye Health: A Global Action Plan 2014-19 and the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda

Goal 2.

Influence policy changes to enable equitable access to eye health and vision care.

Key objectives:
  • Engage members, the Australian Government and other relevant stakeholders in developing strategic national approaches to improve access to eye health and vision care
  • Work collaboratively with members to advocate for the delivery of programs to improve eye health and vision care outcomes in Australia and our region

Goal 3.

Influence policy changes that ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have equitable access to quality eye health and vision care services.
Key objectives:
  • Work with members, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, the Australian Government and other relevant stakeholders to develop an aligned national approach and advocate for the delivery of eye health and vision care services that are culturally safe, timely and coordinated

Goal 4.

Advocate for policy changes that empower people who are blind or vision impaired to remain independent and participate fully in the community.

Key objectives:
  • Engage in Australian Government reforms, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme and aged care, to facilitate beneficial outcomes for people who are blind or vision impaired

  • Collaborate with members and other relevant stakeholders to advocate to improve access to support and rehabilitation services for people who are blind or vision impaired
  • Work with members and other relevant stakeholders to identify mechanisms by which people who are blind or vision impaired have improved access to information, as well as greater education and employment opportunities

Goal 5. 

Support activities that increase the evidence base used to promote effective, efficient and sustainable eye health and vision care.

Key objectives:
  • Advocate for effective national oversight and reporting mechanisms
  • Facilitate a collaborative platform to share and improve the availability of evidence and research
  • Support the sector to identify evidence gaps and potential funding opportunities for research to improve the evidence base, evaluation and improve eye health outcomes

Goal 6.

Facilitate and support collaboration with members and other relevant stakeholders to increase awareness of the importance of eye health and vision care

Key objectives:
  • Employ innovative and coordinated approaches to health promotion and education, raising awareness of the symptoms of eye disease in at-risk groups
  • Support effective communication initiatives to raise awareness of the availability of services and supports for people who are blind or vision impaired, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

  • Increase information sharing among members, the Australian Government and other stakeholders through innovative communication channels

Goal 7.

Develop partnerships enabling eye health and vision care integration into other key sectors.

Key objectives:
  • Work with members to develop initiatives which improve service integration and pathways across the health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, disability and aged care sectors
  • Implement the Victorian Vision Initiative on behalf of the Victorian Government, increasing referrals from primary health providers to eye health professionals through providing eye health messages, improving interventions which target at-risk groups and delivering general awareness campaigns

  • Identify funding opportunities that foster collaborative approaches to program development and implementation of eye health and vision care projects in our region

Goal 8.

Increase Vision 2020 Australia’s sustainability as the national peak body for eye health and vision care through consistently adding value to our members.

Key objectives:
  • Identify opportunities which strategically assist Vision 2020 Australia to remain agile in our fast-changing landscape
  • Develop and enhance relationships to ensure Vision 2020 Australia remains sustainable

  • Operate with strong governance through continual review and strengthening of Vision 2020 Australia’s systems and structures

  • Develop Vision 2020 Australia’s Reconciliation Action Plan

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