
Australians encouraged to snap for sight this World Sight Day


Vision 2020 Australia is asking Australians to ‘snap for sight’ this World Sight Day by posting  images, video or audio files that capture a moment on social media, using alternative text (alt text) and the #snapforsight hashtag.

Vision 2020 Australia CEO Carla Northam, said #snapforsight is an easy way to get people thinking about eye health. 

“Snap for sight is all about encouraging Australians to make a connection between moments that are significant to them and the need to look after their sight. Adding an alternative text description, along with the #alText hashtag, will also ensure that people who are blind or visually impaired can participate in the campaign.”

The majority of eye conditions have no symptoms or pain in the early stages. Regular eye examinations are the only way to ensure early detection and treatment for many eye conditions, preventing avoidable blindness and vision loss. 

“In Australia, seventy-five percent of vision loss is preventable or treatable,” says Ms Northam. “We hope snap for sight will make people realise that vision loss isn’t something that only happens to other people, and encourages Australians to have an eye test, perhaps for the first time ever.”

Vision 2020 Australia ambassador, and the only Australian athlete – Olympian or Paralympian – to medal at both the Summer and Winter games, Dr Jessica Gallagher, said using the #altText hashtag can remind people to describe their images on social media. 

“Living with blindness or vision impairment should not make social media inaccessible. So much of our daily interaction is based around images shared on social media. Using alternative text to describe images ensures that people who are blind or visually impaired can fully participate in online social interactions,” says Ms Gallagher.

Earlier this year Twitter and Facebook introduced alternative text features to ensure content can be shared by and is accessible to the widest possible audience. Including an alternative text – alt text – description enables screen reading software used by many people who are vision impaired or blind to bring meaning to something they are unable to see.

To find out more about #snapforsight and how to get involved visit


For more information: Adam Sawell at Vision 2020 Australia              
Ph: 03 9656 2020    M:0401 096 507 or


Established in October 2000, Vision 2020 Australia is part of VISION 2020: The Right to Sight, a global initiative of the World Health Organization and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness. Vision 2020 Australia is the peak body for the eye health and vision care sector, representing around 50 member organisations involved in: local and global eye care; health promotion; low vision support; vision rehabilitation; eye research; professional assistance and community support.