
Eye health and vision care sector joins forces to respond to NDIS


Vision 2020 Australia has collaborated with its member organisations to provide a united voice to ensure that a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is fair, equitable and meets the needs of people who are blind or have significant functional vision loss.

Fittingly, today is International White Cane Day – a day of recognition to highlight the use of the white cane in our community and to promote the needs of people who are blind or have low vision.

The theme is central to the organisation’s vision which includes ensuring that blindness and vision impairment are no longer barriers to full participation in the community.

Responding to the Council of Australian Governments’ Select Council on Disability Reform’s proposed statements on eligibility and reasonable and necessary support, Vision 2020 Australia has submitted a sector response.

“As we move closer to the introduction of the NDIS in the five launch sites, now more than ever is the time for the Select Council to fully understand the landscape of support required by people who are blind or have low vision,” said Jennifer Gersbeck, CEO of Vision 2020 Australia.

“This submission represents the lived experience of consumers and the expert advice of Australia’s leading organisations in vision related sensory disability.”

“Our recommendations support the notion of inclusion, economic independence and community participation while focussing on need and equity on which the NDIS is based,” Ms Gersbeck said.

Vision 2020 Australia and members are strong supporters of the NDIS, however, given the complexity of the sector there are concerns around how low vision will translate to the proposed tiered structure. The sector is seeking a roundtable forum with the federal Minister for Disability Reform, the Hon Jenny Macklin MP, to discuss the sector submission in detail.  


Media Contact

Louise Rudzki, Vision 2020 Australia, (03) 9656 2020, +61 414 784 359,