This submission was informed by members of Vision 2020 Australia’s Independence and Participation Committee. The Committee is made up of representatives working towards improving the ability of Australians who are blind or vision impaired to participate in the community, and ensuring evidence supports better, sustainable service and program delivery.
Vision 2020 Australia and its members value the contributions of older Australians to our society, and recognises the critical role the government-funded aged care system plays in supporting their continued health and wellbeing. Maintaining good vision and providing support to people who have lost vision, is important to ensuring the continued independence and participation of older Australians in our community. Currently the aged care system is not well equipped to provide these kinds of support to all who need them in a timely and affordable way.
Vision 2020 Australia through its expert membership has identified 14 recommendations for action that will enhance workforce capacity, increase funding flexibility, and enhance access to information and environments for older Australians living with blindness or low vision. Vision 2020 Australia and its members stand ready, willing, and able to work with the Royal Commission, government, older Australians and the aged care sector to implement practical changes that will make a real and enduring change to the lives of older Australians living with blindness or low vision.
Vision 2020 Australia Submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety – WORD
Vision 2020 Australia Submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety – PDF