Policy Submissions and Proposals
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Date | Title |
Feb 2021 |
2021-22 Pre-Budget SubmissionVision 2020 Australia is committed to raising awareness of the importance of good eye health and vision care for all Australians and our neighbours in the Indo-Pacific region. The COVID-19 pandemic has had substantial impacts for Australia’s health system and economy that will likely be experienced for many years to come. This submission proposes investment […] |
Jan 2021 |
Submission to review of the current version of the Guidelines for preventive activities in general practiceStrengthening the role of general practice in identifying and referring people who are at risk or are experiencing vision loss is an important element of preventing avoidable vision impairment and blindness. Vision 2020 Australia members recently worked on developing advice to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) about suggested changes to the next […] |
Nov 2020 |
Productivity Commission Indigenous Evaluation Strategy: Vision 2020 Australia Response SummaryOn 30 October 2020, the Productivity Commission released a proposed Indigenous Evaluation Strategy. The Strategy, which has been delivered to the Government, sets out a new approach to evaluating Australian Government policies and programs. Prior to the release of the Strategy, Vision 2020 Australia submitted a response to the Draft Indigenous Evaluation Strategy on 3 […] |
Oct 2020 |
Submission to the Department of Social Services: A New National Disability StrategyThis submission responds to questions posed in a Position Paper, as part of Stage 2 consultations in the development of the new National Disability Strategy. It recommends that economic security and health and wellbeing should be considered key outcomes for the Strategy. It endorses the proposal that attitude change should be one of the strategy’s […] |
Oct 2020 |
Medical Research Future Fund consultation to inform the third Australian Medical Research and Innovation Priorities 2020-2022Consistent with the Medical Research Future Fund Act 2015 (the Act), the independent Australian Medical Research Advisory Board (AMRAB) is conducting a consultation to develop the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) Australian Medical Research and Innovation Priorities 2020-22 (the Priorities). The 2020-22 Priorities must be tabled in the Australian Parliament by 6 November 2020. The […] |
Sep 2020 |
National Preventive Health Strategy – response to consultation questions, September 2020Vision 2020 Australia has provided responses to consultation questions to inform development of the National Preventative Health Strategy. Given the critical role vision plays in supporting childhood development and lifelong health, wellbeing and independence, Vision 2020 Australia believes it is important that the national strategy note that alongside prevention of chronic disease, prevention of avoidable […] |
Sep 2020 |
Submission to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability: First Nations Peoples with disability – blindness and low vision perspectivesFirst Nations peoples currently experience blindness and vision loss at three times the rates of other Australians. People who are blind or have low vision are at higher risk of a range of adverse social and health outcomes, including increased risk of injury and depression. And, as the Commission’s issues paper acknowledges, both First Nations […] |
Sep 2020 |
Submission to the National Disability Insurance Agency: Review of Support Coordination Service ModelAcross Australia, over 450,000 people are living with blindness and vision loss. These people are at higher risk of a range of adverse health and social outcomes, including double the rates of falls, three times increased risk of depression, four times the risk of hip fractures, greater utilisation of health, aged care and social services, […] |
Aug 2020 |
Vision 2020 Australia feedback on the Revised Outreach Service Delivery Standards and Reporting TemplateThis submission has been prepared by Vision 2020 Australia in response to the Revised Outreach Service Delivery Standards and Reporting Template, which encompass a range of programs: Medical Outreach Indigenous Chronic Disease Program (MOICDP); Healthy Ears Program; Eye and Ear Surgical Support (EESS); and Visiting Optometrists Scheme (VOS). Our feedback identifies both changes that should […] |
Aug 2020 |
Response to Productivity Commission’s Draft Indigenous Evaluation StrategyThis submission is made in response to the Productivity Commission’s Draft Indigenous Evaluation Strategy. Vision 2020 Australia’s submission recommends amendments to the Draft Strategy to include references to self-determination and Indigenous Data Sovereignty to focus on the centrality of the perspectives, priorities and knowledges of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the shaping of […] |
Displaying 21 - 30 of 68