Vision 2020 Australia welcomes Jane Edge and Justin Mohamed to the Board after being elected at this morning’s Annual General Meeting, bringing a greater diversity to the Vision 2020 Australia Board.
Jennifer Gersbeck, CEO of Vision 2020 Australia says that the election of Ms Edge and Mr Mohamed will broaden the range of expertise on the Board. “The sector Vision 2020 Australia represents is wide-ranging, covering everything from prevention to rehabilitation, Indigenous eye health and global. So having representatives on the Board from these areas is vital to ensure that as the peak body we are truly representative.”
“We welcome Jane and Justin, who are both leaders in their areas, to the Board and I am confident their expertise will prove invaluable to the organisation.”
Ms Edge, CEO of CBM Australia, has over 20 years’ experience in high impact roles focused on supporting positive change and sustainable development and is passionate about social justice. Mr Mohamed, a Gooreng Gooreng man from Bundaberg in Queenslandand CEO of Reconciliation Australia, has over 20 years’ experience working with Aboriginal communities,most recently as Chair of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO).